The High Cost of a Bad Website

by | Jul 20, 2020 | Blogs | 0 comments

If you depend on your website and your Internet presence to grow your small business, here is a scenario you want to avoid.

You’ve just joined a business networking group and one of the members sends you a hot lead. It’s a great lead, the scope of work is in your wheelhouse and the timing is perfect. However, before you get a chance to talk to the prospective client, they do what every business does. They visit your website first.

Then nothing happens. No emails. No phone calls. No appointment requests.

Here is what happened. Your poorly designed website drove them away. Research shows that 75 percent of visitors judge the credibility of a business based upon its website design.

There is also an even worse scenario. Your new prospect looks for your website and can’t find one. 8 out of 10 potential customers want to see a website before they will engage with a business.

What’s the solution? Get a website that builds consumer confidence and establishes trust. And keeps your business, experience, and skillset top of mind with potential clients.

Want to find out what an experienced, highly skilled web development team can do for your business? Contact Mays today and we’ll show you how to avoid the pitfalls of a bad website.

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